Pervious Concrete

Concrete Admixtures
Specialty Concrete Products

Pervious concrete often referred to as “no-fines concrete” allows water to pass through the concrete into the sub-base and underground levels. It is made of hydraulic cement, coarse aggregates of smaller size, admixtures, and water. It finds applications in sidewalks and pathways, patios, floors for greenhouses, pavement edge drains, parking lots, sidewalks and pavers, noise barriers, driveways, hydraulic structures, tennis courts, swimming pool decks, etc. It offers substantial environmental, safety, and economical advantages.

Holderchem provides guidance on pervious concrete mix design materials and supplies a range of products including the following:

  • water reducers to lower the water-cement ratio and increase strength;
  • retarders and hydration control admixtures to adjust the setting properties of concrete
  • air-entrainers to improve the freeze/thaw durability of the concrete;
  • viscosity modifying admixtures to ease placement and compaction
  • color/pigment additives to produce colored pervious concrete.