Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsions

Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsions
Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsions

Polyvinyl acetate emulsions, supplied by Holderchem, are milky-white liquids containing 40 to 55% polymer solids. They are thermoplastic polymers manufactured in water-dispersible form by the emulsion technique of vinyl acetate, a polar and reactive monomer. Polymerizing vinyl acetate with less polar and reactive co-monomers requires a thorough understanding of polymer chemistry, which the company has sharpened over four decades of operations. The range of products supplied can be categorized as follows:

Homopolymers of vinyl acetate emulsions, which are dispersions stabilized with polyvinyl alcohol, protective colloids, and emulsifiers. They represent core products used in the adhesive, bookbinding, textile, and packaging industries.

Copolymers of vinyl acetate emulsions, which incorporate butyl acrylate or versatic-acid esters monomers. These are widely used for more advanced adhesive applications, exterior and interior paints, carpet backing, and many other applications.

In addition to the above, Holderchem supplies specialty polymers, which include styrene acrylics used in external applications, for high scrub resistance and styrene-butadiene emulsions, recommended for their strong bonding properties.

For further information on any of the products listed herein above, please request relevant Technical Datasheets and Material Safety Datasheets from our sales department.The supply of all our products is subject to our General Conditions of Sale Delivery and Payment