Batimix S-510 Exterior

Styrene acrylic copolymer clear sealer, for exterior applications


BATIMIX S-510 Exterior is an acrylic sealer used for the preparation of substrates before painting. This product yields upon application a high-quality transparent film to which subsequent paint toppings adhere very well.

Main Purpose

BATIMIX S-510 Exterior is an acrylic-based product primarily used for exterior applications. It is suitable for application on masonry surfaces such as brickwork, plaster, cement, and textured walls. It is used on both new and previously painted surfaces.


BATIMIX S-510 Exterior has the following characteristics:

  • Applies easily, with no unpleasant odor
  • Fast, simple clean up with soapy water
  • Superior spatter resistance for application by roller
  • Brushes easily
  • Offers exceptional sealing and adhesion



Available Packages

  • 5 U.S. gallon plastic pail
  • 1 U.S. gallon plastic pail

Health and Safety

Painting with BATIMIX S-510 Exterior should be done with adequate ventilation. Do not breathe spray mist or sanding dust. Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Wear eye protection and gloves during application or sanding. Close the container after each use. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling.

First Aid: IIf in contact with eyes, flush with water for 15 minutes, for skin, wash with soap and water. If you experience difficulty breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical attention immediately.

For additional safety directions, kindly refer to the corresponding Material Safety Data Sheet.
