Batimix Polyvac® 114

Homopolymer of vinyl acetate - High viscosity and flexible binder base


BATIMIX Polyvac 114 is a high viscosity, flexible polyvinyl acetate binder used as an adhesive for paperboard, cardboard, paper bags, packaging, and bookbinding.

Main Purpose

BATIMIX Polyvac 114 is primarily used as an adhesive for paperboard, cardboard, paper bags, packaging, and bookbinding.



Emulsion appearanceSmooth, white liquid
Dry film appearanceClear, flexible
Emulsifier typeNonionic
Stabilizing agentPolyvinyl Alcohol
PlasticizerDibutyl Phthalate
Plasticizer content [% on total]4
pH at 25°C5 ± 1
Density at 25°C [g/cm³]1.07 ± 0.02
Dry solids content [%]52 ± 1

Typical Properties

Viscosity [cP, Brookfield RVT sp7 at 5 rpm, 25°C]80,000 ± 10,000
Avg. particle size [µm]≤ 2
Free monomer [%]≤ 0.5
Grit content at 200 µm [%]≤ 0.1
Min. film-forming temperature [°C]6
Glass transition temperature [°C]30 ± 2
Mechanical stabilityExcellent

Available Packages

  • 125 kg plastic drum
  • 50 kg plastic drum

Health and Safety

This product is water-based and non-toxic under normal conditions.
