Batimix HCA 100

Crystalline waterproofing admixture


Batimix HCA 100 is an integral crystalline admixture powder specifically formulated to interact with concrete capillary pore structures to provide a waterproofing system that is a permanent part of the concrete matrix.

Main Purpose

Batimix HCA 100 can be used in above and below-grade applications. Active chemicals combine with the free lime and moisture present in the capillary tracts and pores, to form insoluble crystalline complexes. These crystals block the capillaries and minor shrinkage cracks in the concrete to prevent any further water ingress (even under pressure). However, the concrete will still allow the passage of water vapor through the structure (i.e. the concrete will still be able to "breathe").


Batimix HCA 100 has the following characteristics:

  • Eliminates or reduces water penetration
  • Interior or exterior waterproofing against high hydro-static pressure
  • No adverse effect on compressive strength or setting time with Portland cement
  • Easy to use powdered material
  • Negligible effect on working time, increasing flexibility
  • Highly improves chemical resistance
  • Very economical compared to other methods
  • Vapor diffusion in concrete is not blocked


Batimix HCA 100 is typically dosed at 1 to 2% by weight of cementitious material (BWC) depending on application. Please consult the technical sales representative for further dosage recommendations.

Available Packages

  • 1 t big bag
  • 20 kg paper bag
  • 10 kg paper bag

Health and Safety

Batimix HCA 100 contains products that are irritating to the eyes and skin. In case of contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Wear suitable gloves. For further information, kindly refer to the product's Material Safety Data Sheet.