Batimix GA-RM Series

Grinding aids for cement raw meal


BATIMIX GA-RM Series products are carefully designed aqueous solutions used as grinding aids for various types and characteristics of raw materials such as lime, calcium carbonate, and gypsum. They greatly improve the efficiency of grinding by reducing the surface energy forces, which cause agglomeration.

Main Purpose

BATIMIX GA-RM Series products are particularly recommended for the grinding of:

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Gypsum
  • Lime


BATIMIX GA-RM Series products help achieve the following performances:

  • Increased raw-meal mill output at same fineness
  • Reduced grinding and energy costs
  • Reduced raw-meal particle agglomeration
  • Enhanced grain size distribution for optimized mixing with the clinker
  • Easy and safe handling

Related Products

This series includes the following products:

  • BATIMIX GA-RM 1400
  • BATIMIX GA-RM 1400/M
  • BATIMIX GA-RM 1401
  • BATIMIX GA-RM 1404
  • BATIMIX GA-RM 1405

A variety of products from within this series are available to meet the specific requirements of customers. Products highlighted in bold are featured in the product brochure for this category.

Health and Safety

BATIMIX GA-RM 1402 may be irritant to the skin and eyes. If accidentally spilled onto the skin, wash immediately with soap and water. If accidentally splashed into the eyes, flush with plenty of water and consult a physician. For additional information, kindly refer to the corresponding MSDS.