Batimix Concrete 540

Accelerated setting concrete for repair - Grade R1 as per ASTM C928


BATIMIX Concrete 540 is a pre-packaged fast-setting high strength concrete repair material. It is made of Portland cement, carefully-graded fine and coarse aggregates, and selected additives such as set-accelerating, plasticizing, and shrinkage-compensating agents. It is a specialized concrete blend optimized to swiftly attain robust strength and setting attributes, making it an ideal choice for efficient and timely repair undertakings. By employing high-quality materials and additives, including accelerators, this concrete type fosters accelerated hydration and setting reactions, allowing rapid progress in repair projects such as infrastructure maintenance and construction. It ensures not only quick restoration but also sustained durability, although proper mixing, placing, and curing practices remain imperative for optimal long-term performance of the repaired structures.

Main Purpose

BATIMIX Concrete 540 is a structural repair material for partial and full-depth repair and rehabilitation works of concrete structures that have to be ready-for-use within short periods of time. Typical applications include parking structures, ramps, garages, bridge decks, commercial floors, and warehouses.


BATIMIX Concrete 540 has the following characteristics:

  • Easy to use, suitable for both interior and exterior works
  • Rapid setting for quick repairs (open for light foot traffic in 5 to 7 hours)
  • High early compressive strength without added chlorides
  • Reduced bleeding and segregation
  • High degree of adhesion/bond to the repaired structure
  • Low water absorption, yet increased water vapor transmission


Grey powder

Available Packages

  • 1 t big bag
  • 50 kg paper bag

Health and Safety

BATIMIX Concrete 540 contains cement. It is irritating for the eyes and skin. In case of contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Wear suitable gloves. For further information, kindly refer to Material Safety Data Sheet.
