Batimix Air Series

Air entraining additives for Portland and masonry cements


BATIMIX Air Series products are aqueous solutions of fatty carboxylic acids and specialty chemicals. They are used in the manufacture of air-entraining Portland and masonry types of cement.

BATIMIX Air Series products improve air-entrainment. They trigger by agitation and stabilization the formation of microscopic bubbles in the cement paste of mortar and concrete mixes, improving their workability and plasticity. They reduce mortar and concrete water demand without any slump loss. They are effective for both open and closed circuit cement mills.

Main Purpose

BATIMIX Air Series products are used in the grinding process to enhance the properties of mortars and Portland, masonry, and blended cement. They are used in the grinding of both white and gray cement.


BATIMIX Air Series products provide the following performances:

  • Increased mill output at the same cement fineness
  • Enhanced grain size distribution for optimized initial and final strengths of cement
  • Increased level of air entrainment (up to 35%) according to specification requirements
  • Improved workability and plasticity for mortar and masonry applications
  • Easy and safe handling

Related Products

This series includes the following products:

  • Batimix Air 4101
  • Batimix Air 4102

A variety of products from within this series are available to meet the specific requirements of customers. Products highlighted in bold are featured in the product brochure for this category.



Health and Safety

BATIMIX Air Series products may be irritant to the skin and eyes. If accidentally spilled onto the skin, wash immediately with soap and water, and if splashed into the eyes, flush with plenty of water and consult a physician. For additional information, kindly refer to the corresponding Material Safety Datasheet.