Batimix Acc WG9-L

Quick setting wet mix shotcrete liquid accelerating admixture


BATIMIX Acc WG9-L is a liquid quick set-admixture designed to significantly accelerate setting times of shotcrete mixes applied under wet processes. It does not contain calcium chloride or added chloride ions that could potentially attack steel, aluminum, or zinc embedments.

Main Purpose

BATIMIX Acc WG9-L is an admixture used for shotcrete applications to build thick sections, vertical or overhead, with a minimum rebound. It allows rapid concrete setting to take place, particularly effective in cold temperatures and unfavorable weather conditions. Applications using BATIMIX Acc WG9-L include all types of shotcrete and sprayed concrete with or without steel embedments.


Concrete prepared with BATIMIX Acc WG9-L is characterized by the following:

In the plastic state:

  • Extremely reduced workability and setting time of concrete mixtures
  • Decreased overtime, allowing same-day finishing Reduced initial and final setting times
  • Improved thixotropic properties, allowing thick sections to be built
  • Minimum rebound and single-pass spray coatings
  • Reduced bleeding and segregation

In the hardened state:

  • Reduced construction costs – no cold weather delays
  • Increased early compressive and flexural strengths


2% to 5% of the cementitious materials

Available Packages

  • 1 t IBC
  • 200 kg drum
  • 20 kg pail
  • 4 kg pail

Health and Safety

BATIMIX Acc WG9-L is not a hazardous material. However, it should not be swallowed or allowed to come into contact with skin and eyes. Suitable gloves and goggles should be worn. For additional information, kindly refer to the product’s Material Safety Data Sheet.